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Showing posts from September, 2022

Radio Buttons Post Show Value Even None Of The Buttons Are Checked How To Validate This?

I have a registration form wich has a gender radio option showing male or female. in the HTML none … Read more Radio Buttons Post Show Value Even None Of The Buttons Are Checked How To Validate This?

Insert Data To Database Via Html Form In The Same Page

Lab03 Name: . $_POST [ 'name' ]. "', '" . $_POST [ 'fn' ]. … Read more Insert Data To Database Via Html Form In The Same Page

Adjust Canvas Background In Javascript

I'm trying to drawn a rect on canvas, but I want that canvas has lightly transparent background… Read more Adjust Canvas Background In Javascript

AngularJS - Search On The Entire Paginated Table

I'm trying to make the search field global on the entire paginated table, but currently it'… Read more AngularJS - Search On The Entire Paginated Table

Two Divs Will Not Nest Inside Parent Div

I have two divs inside of a parent div, but when I inspect the page, the two divs are not in a cont… Read more Two Divs Will Not Nest Inside Parent Div

Modal Not Showing In HTML File

I know this is not a rare problem, but I can't find a solution yet. I just want to show the mod… Read more Modal Not Showing In HTML File

Html-css-how To Make Opeanable Vertical Menu

I want to make a menu like this image : When I hover on each item on right menu , it opens a box b… Read more Html-css-how To Make Opeanable Vertical Menu

Scroll To A Section Of The Page When Clicking On The Navbar

I've been making my first website - a single page site with different sections containing conte… Read more Scroll To A Section Of The Page When Clicking On The Navbar