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Creating PDF From HTML Background Color In The PDF

I have seen several similar questions regarding creating PDF from Blob with examples of colored backgrounds, but none of the answers address the 'Background color issue' and I can'

Solution 1:

The answer was quite simple... found this surfing the net and added...

    html { -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact; }

This is the code that now works...

function htmlToPDF() {

  var html = 
      "<style> html { -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact; } </style>"
      + "<h1>Hello world</h1>"
      + "<p>This is just a paragraph"
      + "<p style='color:red;'>I am red</p>"
      + "<p style='color:blue;'>I am blue</p>"
      + "<p style='font-size:50px;'>I am big</p>"
      + "<table style='border-collapse: collapse; width: 698px; height: 115px; background-color: #C5D9F1;' border='0' cellpadding='10'>"
      + "<tbody>"
      + "<tr>"
      + "<td style='padding: 5px;background-color:powderblue;' nowrap='nowrap'><strong>Bold with background-color:</strong></td>"
      + "</tr>"
      + "</tbody>"
      + "</table>";

   var blob = Utilities.newBlob(html, "text/html", "text.html");
   var pdf = blob.getAs("application/pdf");


   MailApp.sendEmail("[your email here ]", "PDF File", "", {htmlBody: html, attachments: pdf});

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