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JQuery - Could Use A Little Help With A Content Loader

I'm not very elite when it comes to JavaScript, especially the syntax. So I'm trying to learn. And in this process I'm trying to implement a content loader that basically removes a

Solution 1:

The jQuery .load() has some extra functionality in it to support this.
You can see it in the docs here (look at `Loading Page Fragments')

In your example here's the important part: hash+'.html #container' the space before the #container means that jQuery will grab that URL, look for the element with id="container" and fetch only that element's content's discarding the rest of the page. This lets .load() work in a more generic way without what you're fetching being specifically designed for only ajax loading.

In your case I think you just need to remove #content from the end unless you're looking for that element. It's not saying "look for content" that's just the ID they used for the element they wanted to look for. It could have been #divToLoad which would be a clearer example IMO.

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