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How Can I Select Multiple Checkboxes At Once?

I have a html table which is created dynamically. Im adding check box for each row. $.each(data, function(id, value) { rows.push('

Solution 1:


$(document).on('change','.chkbox',function () {
  var sites = [];
  var value = $(this).val();
  var res = value.split(":");
  $.each($("input[class='chkbox']:checked"), function(){            
  alert("sites are: " + sites.join(", "));
    type: "POST",
    url: "http://localhost:8080/cache/setProcessing?site="+res[0]+"&client="+res[1],
    /*data: {
      chkbox: value 
    error : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
      alert("Failed. Error : " + errorThrown);


$(document).on('change','.chkbox',function () {
  var sites = [];
  $.each($("input[class='chkbox']:checked"), function(){    
    var value = $(this).val(); // must me be inside the each
    var res = value.split(":");   // must me be inside the each     
  alert("sites are: " + sites.join(", "));
    type: "POST",
    url: "http://localhost:8080/cache/setProcessing?site="+res[0]+"&client="+res[1],
    /*data: {
      chkbox: value 
    error : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
      alert("Failed. Error : " + errorThrown);

Because in the previous code it only gets the value of the current checkbox you've clicked.

So you must put the value and res inside the each function to know all checkboxes that have been checked and get there corresponding value..

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