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Html Code Inside Of A R-markdown Block For A Single Line

I have an R-markdown document in a for loop (testing various kinds of models), and I would like to set them off with HTML Headers, as it is otherwise hard to find the models I am l

Solution 1:

Okay, it is a year and a half later and I still needed this from time to time, but I learned enough since then to know how to do it properly. You need to write a knitr "output hook", and modify the output so the html can "escape" through.

The following accomplishes this:

  • Added a knitr output hook.
  • Defined a syntax to specify the needed tag and content
    • for example to get <h1>some_text</h1> use htmlesc<<(h1,some_text)>>
  • Figured out a regexp that extracts the h1 and some_text and reformats it as properly tagged html, removing the ## that knitr inserted as well.
  • Added some more test cases to make sure it did some additional things (like h4, p, proper placement of plots and tables, etc.)
  • Added another regexp to remove double escaped lines which was adding some unwanted whitespace paneled constructs.

So here is the code:

title: "Output Hook for HTML Escape"
author: "Someone"
date: "2017 M04 25"
    keep_md: true

```{r setup, include=T,echo=TRUE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
hook_output <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("output")

  xn <- hook_output(x,options)
  # interestingly xn is a big character string. # I had expected a list or vector, but the length of x is 1 and the class is character.# The following regexp extracts the parameters from a statement of the form# htmlesc<<(pat1,pat2)>> and converts it to <pat1>pat2</pat1>
  xn <- gsub("## htmlesc<<([^,]*),{1}([^>>]*)>>","\n```\n<\\1>\\2</\\1>\n```\n",xn)
  # now remove double escaped lines that occur when we do these right after each other

## An analysis loop in a single R chunk with R Markdown

In the following, we do a loop and generate 3 sets of data:

(@) We have some explanitory text
(@) then we do a bar plot with ggplot
(@) then we print out a table
(@) then we do a base plot - just for fun

```{r, echo=T, fig.height=3,fig.width=5}

for (i in 1:3){
  mdf <- data.frame(matrix(runif(25),5,5))
  cat(sprintf("htmlesc<<h1,Title %d>>\n",i))
  cat(sprintf("htmlesc<<h4,Smaller Title - also for %d>>\n",i))
  cat(sprintf("htmlesc<<p,and some text talking about this %d example>>\n",i))
  gdf <- gather(mdf,series,val)
  gp <- ggplot(gdf)+geom_bar(aes(series,val,fill=series,color=I("black")),stat="identity")

And this is the output (shrunk a bit as you don't need the details).

enter image description here

The only real docs for this by the way are Yihui's excellent knitr book, a search finds it easily.

Solution 2:

You could try using the kable function:

```{r, echo=T, results="asis"}
for (i in1:3){
  m <- data.frame(matrix(runif(25),5,5))
  print(kable(m, format = "html"))

Which gives me:

enter image description here

Solution 3:

Try this one.

```{r, echo=F, results="asis"}
for (i in 1:3){
  m1 <- knitr::kable(data.frame(matrix(runif(25),5,5)))


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