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Problem While Doing Html5 Webapp Cache

I have a webapp which has the domain when i am accessing the url it will resolve like the below url and redirect to the corresponding site home page http://d

Solution 1:

The cache has to directly reference specific resources, be they Javascript, CSS, HTML pages, images, whatever. From what I can tell from the content above, you've done that. Simply placing a domain in there however won't work (you also need to reference all of the pages you want off-line, e.g. /s/_91665/Home needs to be in there).

So, there's an error somewhere along the line, but it's hard to figure out what you mean by this:

If i directly access only the domain url "" in the browser it is not opening 404 in the offline mode.

Can you be more clear? Do you mean that going to that URL results in a 404, or is there something in the page itself that's in error?

Are you sure that your cache file is functioning as intended? If there are any errors at all in your cache file, your off-line application simply won't work. This page offers some debugging code which may help:

Debugging HTML 5 Offline Application Cache

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