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How To Link Different Style Sheets For Different Php Include Files

So I'm dividing my index.php page into three sections: top, middle, bottom. The middle section will have different html php inlude pages and therefore will require different styl

Solution 1:

Say your about page has a custom css file it needs you could do something like this:


<?$css = array('path_to_css_file', 'path_to_another_css_file');
require_once('header.php'); // aka the top?>

[about page content goes here]

<?require_once('footer.php'); // aka the bottom?>

The in your header.php file you could do this:


<html><head><title></title><linkrel="stylesheet"type="text/css"href="main_style_sheet.css" /><?if (isset($css) && is_array($css))
  foreach ($cssas$path)
    printf('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s" />', $path);

This way you only load what you need for the given page.

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