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How To Send A Soap Request In Javascript, Like In Soapui

I am currently working on a NodeJS project where I need to use some soap/xml/wsdl. The problem is that can't figure out how any of these works, so forgive my ignorance. Here is wha

Solution 1:

You can use easy-soap-request,and this article may help. It is just a thin wrapper of axios.

My code for your question:

const soapRequest = require('easy-soap-request');
const url = '';
const headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8',
    'soapAction': '',
// example dataconst xml = `
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:uni="">

// usage of modulesoapRequest(url, headers, xml).then(({response: {body, statusCode}}) => {
}).catch((errorBody) => {

Solution 2:

It may be useful to someone in the future: Change this (url, headers, xml) to ( {url, headers, xml})

Solution 3:

for those who get an error after following @aristoll answer. Try this, its gonna work


soapRequest(url, headers, xml).....


soapRequest({url, headers, xml})......

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