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Html Input Wrap Text Instead Of Overflow Horizontally

I have an input field, in which a user will enter text inside. When the text becomes too long, the input field extends horizontally instead of dropping down vertically. I tried add

Solution 1:

I think you should use a multiline input field as TextArea:

Sample code:


Solution 2:

Xtian - You shouldn't have any restriction on where you need to use an <input> or a <textarea>. Just give the text area the same name that you would've used for the input and you'll be fine.

For example, I just replaced

<inputtype="text" name="reply" />



Much better now.

Solution 3:

This is a soultion i found, Just use a hidden input and use a button for the text with a action for the form.

<formmethod="post"action="nextpage.php"><inputstyle="display: none;"name="name"type="text"value=“somedata"></input><button>Some text that you want to wrap but also submit the form </button></form>

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