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Can You Animate An Image On A Canvas

since I'm learning new to html and javascript, I was wondering if you can place an moving image side to side on a canvas? If so how can this be done please??? Here's what I've to d

Solution 1:

You can animate a spritesheet instead of a .gif.

The sequence is simple:

  1. Clear the canvas,
  2. Draw the next sprite in sequence and position it to advance across the canvas.
  3. Wait a while (perhaps in a requestAnimationFrame loop).
  4. Repeat #1.

Here's annotated code and a Demo:

var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
var cw=canvas.width;
var ch=canvas.height;

// timing related varsvar nextTime=0;
var spriteCount=7;
var interval=700/spriteCount;
// sprite related varsvar sIndex=0;
var sw=60;
var sh=95;
var animationOn=true;

// current x,y position of spritevar x=100;
var y=100;

// load the spritesheetvar ss=newImage();

  // draw the first sprite

  // start the animation looprequestAnimationFrame(animate);


  // wait for the specified interval before drawing anythingif(time<nextTime || !animationOn){requestAnimationFrame(animate); return;}
  // draw the new sprite
  // get the next sprite in sequenceif(++sIndex>=spriteCount){sIndex=0;}
  // advance the sprite rightward
  // request another animation looprequestAnimationFrame(animate);
body{ background-color: ivory; }
#canvas{border:1px solid red; margin:0 auto; }

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