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Apps Script: How To Email Google Sheet File To Email Specified In Html Service Input?

I am working to build in an HTML Service UI within my Google Sheets file that allows the user to key in the target recipient email address inside the pop-up dialog box within the H

Solution 1:

You can't call a server-side function from the client directly. You need to use the API to communicate between the two. Try the following:

// Inside your Apps Script .gs code

// listen for an object sent from the HTML form
function sendEmail(formObj) {

  // Extract the email address submitted
  var to =;

  // Send the email
  MailApp.sendEmail(to,"good morning", "The email body")
  <form id="emailForm">
      <p>Send to Email Address:</p>
      <input type="email" id="emailInput" name="email" size="40"/> <!-- "name" becomes the key in formObject -->
      <input type="button" value="Send Email" onclick="" /> <!-- allows you to call server-side functions -->

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