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How To Insert Links In Python

Is it possible to add links into the Python script and print it out to the terminal/console? Like in HTML; once it was clicked, we will be redirected to the URL. (I'm on Linux) <

Solution 1:

It all depends on where you want to print it out to. Some output locations do not support clickable hyperlinks.

For example, if you printed your output to a basic terminal, you would not be able to click on it.

One suggestion is to use python's webbrowser module to open links:

import webbrowser"")

, which will open the link for you in a new window.

You could also output the text to a HTML file and open the HTML file in a web browser for the link:

open("link.html", "w").write('<a href=""> Link </a>')

Solution 2:

Recently (in 2017) a few terminal emulators (namely iTerm2, GNOME Terminal, and Tilix; hopefully more to follow) have added support for custom hyperlinks.

Assuming your python app's output goes to such a terminal emulator, you can create ctrl+clickable (cmd+clickable on mac) hyperlinks like this:

print("\x1b]8;;\aCtrl+Click here\x1b]8;;\a")

Further technical details are here.

Solution 3:

Yes it is possible here is a simple python cgi script that does what you describe.

print"Content-type: text/html"printprint"""
<a href=''>google</a>

you can learn more about cgi here

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