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Adding Selected Check Boxes To The Database-php

Continuation from this question: Adding only selected check boxes to the database-PHP I am trying to add only specified selected checkboxes to my db. As suggested in that question,

Solution 1:

Please try to implement the following and hopefully you will see where the error lies. Then Every body will be happy to help...

Ways to deal with this issue:

1.Recommended: Declare your variables. Or use isset() to check if they are declared before referencing them.
2.Set a customerror handler for E_NOTICE and redirect the messages away from the standard output (maybe to a log file). set_error_handler('myHandlerForMinorErrors', E_NOTICE | E_STRICT).3.Disable E_NOTICE from reporting. A quick way to exclude just E_NOTICE is error_reporting( error_reporting() & ~E_NOTICE ).
4.Suppress the errorwith the @ operator.

Note: It's strongly recommended to implement just point 1.

Source : -> Here is the Source

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