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How Can I Browse With Localstorage Disabled?

A site I'm building uses localstorage with a fallback to php sessions. How can I test my website in a localstorage free environment without downgrading Firefox, Internet Explorer 8

Solution 1:

For Firefox:

The Web Applications 1.0 specification defines a mechanism allowing web pages to store information with a web browser (similar to cookies) called “client-side session and persistent storage.” Although use of session storage is subject to a user’s cookie preferences, this preference allows it to be disabled entirely.

For Chrome:

Chrome/Chromium - disable HTML5 LocalStorage and Databases for all webpages /or ask user

While some resources on the Internet claims that Chrome's cookie blocking does not also block LocalStorage, I just ran a quick test and discovered that it does actually block LocalStorage, (at least in Chrome 12, the current beta version).

For IE:

Internet Explorer

Select “Tools” -> “Internet Options” -> “General” -> check “Delete browsing history on exit”, click on “Delete”, check “Cookies”, click on “Delete” once more and restart your browser afterwards.

Not really sure about Safari but I imagine it is similar to Chrome.

Solution 2:

Start Chrome with option/command-line switch:


Solution 3:

In Firefox set to false in about:config.

Solution 4:

Most simple way i've found for Chrome is to disable both Cookies and Local storage. Here's how:

Settings -> "Show advanced settings..." -> "Content settings..." -> "Block sites from setting any data"

Solution 5:

If you want to disable localstorage in IE. Use this

Select “Internet Options” -> “Advanced” Tab -> Go to “Security” -> uncheck “Enable DOM-Storage”

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