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Cannot Hack Pass Css Plugin To Make Two Input Elements Appears In-line?

I'm using a plugin for drop down menu. The link for plugin is here.. I want to add this code, into already made html code, but first I wanted to tested. So, far it all works fine u

Solution 1:

Add this to your css:

div.test > div { 
    float: left; 
    width: 408px; 
    margin-right: 20px; 

Solution 2:

According to the plugin page:

NOTE: The initial element that you apply the plug-in to is destroyed and replaced with a new input element with the same id attribute. While the mcDropdown() method does not destroy the jQuery chain, it does effectively return a "dirty" reference (since the original element no longer exists.) Because of this, you'll want to make sure that the mcDropdown() method is the last call in your chain. Also, if you plan on caching a reference to the element, you will need to create the cached instance after you initiated the widget.

Honestly I'm not even sure if that's related.

But your code (albeit not functioning as advertised) is lining up the way you want when I look at it. Here's a fiddle for you to see what I see.

Keep in mind of course that I'm not sure why it's not functioning properly. I put it on my desktop and replicated the whole example as-is and still nothing. But the input boxes are nice and neat :)

I did notice you left off the jquery.bgiframe.js file but I don't think that's necessary.

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